Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
You should know by now that my project is called Belated Project and occassionally my posts will be belated :)
I took a photo this morning on my way to work:

Yes... cows in south florida :)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Catcher in the Rye cont'd
It took me a while to read the next few chapters due to external complications but I am glad I found the time to actually read the chapters so far from reading the previous ones. One of the key moments happened in these chapters; insight into not only Holden but his peers as well illuminates and foreshadows future character revelations. Big words for something as simple as: you can learn a lot from a pimply nail cutter, primping secret slob player and a red hunting cap. The reader is introduced to three of Holden’s “friends” and their personal hygiene habits (or lack there of), a romantic interest and a security blanket. Holden is shown to obviously judge people on their outward appearance through his narration and yet not appreciate when he is judged for his. He wears his red hunting cap indoors rather than outside in the freezing cold so as to not stand out and yet stand out as a rebel. He has feeling for a girl but won’t tell her due to his insecurities that result from his fear of being alone or rebuffed. He obviously loathes his pimply intruder but does not inquire as to his purpose or force him to leave. He envies his sloppy primper for his popularity and date with love interest but does not appreciate his hygienic instruments as they are left dirty on the bathroom sink (worth noting as well that this same individual borrows Holden’s Hounds tooth jacket for the date).
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
I SAW JOHN MAYER LAST NIGHT!!!! It's a shame I can only post one photo... SO here you go!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A friend of the family passed away today. I was shocked by how much I was effected by the news. I am one of those few who rarely show emotion when another human being passes; but show me a movie or tell me a story of an animal losing their life and I'm balled up in the corner sucking my thumb.
Not really relevant to this project but I figured a photo a day is a way to show through pictorials how I am feeling... i might as well use words too :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Catcher in the Rye: Part I
So i've read chapters 1 and 2 so far. I had forgotten how Salinger's style completely sucks you into the story. One of the most important things to remember when reading or re-reading this novel in particular is this: HOLDEN CAULFIELD IS NOT A CHARACTER TO BE LIKED. It is also important to remember that there are TWO Holden Caulfield's in this novel: The one telling the story and the one he's telling the story about. Yes, it is physically the "same" person but the narration is coming from the Caulfield one year after the events in the novel have taken place. If there is anything I remember distinctly from my lit classes, it's that fact. Trust me, it'll stay in your head forever.
I decided as I was reading that I wasn't going to summarize the novel here but rather discuss different aspects of it and how, even though this novel is often referred to by the present generation as outdated and irrelevant, it is extremely relevant and applicable to the status-quo of the youth today.
Holden (the one in the story) has been kicked out of his prep school for flunking 90% of his classes; he doesn't want to talk about his family; he hates his school; feels bad for the history professor who flunked him because he is extremely sick; wears a red hunting cap; resents his older brother, D.B., for selling out to Hollywood.
With everything going on in the world today, there is a group of individuals that seem to reflect the very same views and emotions embodied by Holden Caulfield. The resentment towards their educational institutions for either failing them literally or for failing them in their purposes; the dissonance between youth and family; the empathy towards those ailing and frail; the rebellion towards conglomerate corporate america; the safety blanket.
All of these things are prevalent in TV shows, music or modern literature. Holden Caulfield is not a character to be admired or envied; Holden Caulfield is a character created to contain and represent the inner disappointments in us all.
My father has a Spider-Man figure hanging from the bottom of the TV in his office. We won him at a fair and that has been his home ever since. Spidey keeps me company on these long nights working on the computer. Here's to you SPIDEY!
Monday, February 1, 2010

So here we go.
It rained A LOT today! Half of my town is flooded and from what I hear, the rest of the county isn't much better. But hey, WELCOME TO SOUTH FLA!!!
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