My mother has taken it upon herself, yet again, to redo our dining room after donating our pre-existing furniture to a needy cause- the newlyweds. Not a pity donation, rather, the passing of an heir-loom. With that came the need to replenish our newly barren and dismal dining area. We had been most graciously given a temporary table, an EthanAllen one a that, but it came to it's end as we could no longer do with the "un-matchiness" I believe the word is. And now with the pending fate of the the buffet disappearing, we had to get the march and find our new decor! This time, we were hitting it with a budget and a mission! Here's what we got:
The thing with shopping at clearence and outlet centers is the simple fact that everything is on clearance. "what?!" you may ask... well, yes. At $40 a pop, there are thousands upon thousands of items- chairs alone filled one room. But the issue comes in when you need 4 or 6 or 8 of the exact same style chair! There are odd numbers or pieces that are damaged or pieces that look the same but AHA are not! If you don't mind a completely different style for each chair, then there's your meca. We were striving for the min of 4 identical chairs and then 2 end chairs with something to match. After visiting 3 stores, we came upon the one above. Now, I couldn't find the exact one online but there's an idea. The legs at the moment are maple and the fabric is a light green, almost asparagus. We are going to paint the legs to match the table which is an espresso brown/black. The fabric also has button-holes which add a nice detail and they match the rest of the house. We would love wing back or captain chairs for the ends. But that will come with time.
The table we found first at the outlet near my sister. Amazing find! A few "worn-in" marks but nothing too striking. The buffet/dresser/console we found at the Rooms-to-go in Pompano first and then after trecking south to Miami, went back up and purchased. It's very stunning in person and gives plenty of room for the china we currently have.
All in all.... good day. But OYE-VAY! All that for a tushy cushion!
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Me likey mucho.
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