Tuesday, September 9, 2008

In Lue of Mangonette

My sister reached the Quarter Century mark today and has tagged everyone to list the 20 things that that they are proud of and have accomplished in their lives to this point. So, here you go:

1.I have a great relationship with God.
2.I have a great relationship with my Family
3.I have not quit (maybe prolonged) anything that I have set my mind to
4.I can play the guitar, piano, drums and bass. I am my own band.
5.I have learned how to be a friend.
6.I have learned what I want in a friend and not to settle for less.
7.I am the VP of Information Technologies in my Family (I get to say "MOOVE!")
8.I purchased my first DSLR camera and am constantly learning
9.I have read everything by Shakespear, Keats, Williams, Austen, Gilman, Whitman, Frost, Proust, Hemmingway, Thackery, Hardy, James and some others that I can't remember.
10.I have reached 6K songs on my iTunes :)
11.I have traveled.
12.I have never let my sister forget that I will always love her.
13.I will never let my sister forget that even though she's married, I came first :D
14.I can cook.
15.I can admit when I am wrong.
16.I am never wrong. Just misunderstood.
17.I am 23 and live with my parents.
18.I am going to be a teacher.
19.Life is good.
20. When I turn 25, I'll tell you my 20th :D

I tag all of you to do the same.

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