Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Ok.... I must admit that I have a fancy for Marvel and DC in equal measure. My father has a nice little collection from the 60s through early 80s. I was going through them recently and something occured to me; it is something perhaps obvious to the rest of the world but struck me as interesting: Batman is crazy. Think about it if you haven't already.

The Hulk: Radiation

Spiderman: Bit by Radio-Active Spider

Superman: Alien

X-Men: Mutants

Batman: Crazy. Likes bats and hates bad guys. Thinks to himself one day "Hey! I look good in leather and a cape! I'm BATMAN!!"

And yet he is more widely acclaimed as the Best of them all. WHY? If I went around dressed in a lady bug costume fighting candy theives and hand-cuffing them with rainbows and hugs i would be shoved in the loony bin fast then you can say Holy Rusted Metal Batman! NOT FAIR!!!

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