RIP JD Salinger.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Addition to Project
In addition to my Belated 365 Project and in liu of our most recent tragic loss of J.D. Salinger, I am also going to re-read "The Catcher in the Rye". I will also post criticism and observations as I read.
Count Down
So, only 3 more days until my belated 365 project can commence. I am actually really looking forward to the commitment it will require. Every day as I drive home or amble around different areas of my neighborhood my eyes refocus as if I were looking through the view finder of my camera. It has been a while since I’ve taken photos for pure recreational purposes; this should be interesting.
I wonder if I should have a theme for the project or a different theme each month/week/day…. I’ll have to see how it goes. I have a lot of spots around my neighborhood with “open fields” where, as I’m driving home, the sun turns the ground a brilliant array of orange and red and inevitable black.
One set back- if it even is a set back- is that I do not have Photoshop any more. Since I’ve moved to Mac, and my laptops crashed, I have not been able to successfully install Photoshop. I’ve become so reliant on being able to adjust the hues/contrast/brightness and overall feel of a photo that perhaps this will be a good thing for me. I’ll re-learn how to light my subject or position myself in such a way to capture rather than create a mood. Who knows, I may not be able to quit cold turkey after all and resort to using the ancient program known as Paint!! ::gasp::
So, only 3 more days until my much belated 365 project. :: sigh :: Buckle up!
I wonder if I should have a theme for the project or a different theme each month/week/day…. I’ll have to see how it goes. I have a lot of spots around my neighborhood with “open fields” where, as I’m driving home, the sun turns the ground a brilliant array of orange and red and inevitable black.
One set back- if it even is a set back- is that I do not have Photoshop any more. Since I’ve moved to Mac, and my laptops crashed, I have not been able to successfully install Photoshop. I’ve become so reliant on being able to adjust the hues/contrast/brightness and overall feel of a photo that perhaps this will be a good thing for me. I’ll re-learn how to light my subject or position myself in such a way to capture rather than create a mood. Who knows, I may not be able to quit cold turkey after all and resort to using the ancient program known as Paint!! ::gasp::
So, only 3 more days until my much belated 365 project. :: sigh :: Buckle up!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I don't think i've written about this person before but, I will now:
Vincent is a Pulitzer Prize Winning Still Photographer and Film Maker. Be sure to read his Bio for more information.
Vincent is often recognized for his Tilt-Shift Photography skills. I posted a photo edited as Tilt-Shift a few blogs past. The idea is to take a photo and either with a special lens or after shot editing (photoshop), make it appear to be a miniature set or creation.

He was given a pro-totype of the Canon 1D Mark V and was basically told, "See what you can do." What he did was story board, direct, film and edit a short film in 3 days! The quality and substance is outstanding.
Being a loyal Nikonian, I watched the film with bias but was strongly moved and impressed by the artistry behind it.
I urge all of you (who ever you are) to read and watch his work.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
February is the new January
My computer is finally up and running (sort of). I have all of my photographs on my external hard-drive and am read to go! Only set back- I am 21 days behind. I can not guarantee that a photo was taken every day. But, no worries, I will make February my new January. So...
Coming this February to a computer screen near you..... The Belated 365!
Just to start it off with a preview...
Friday, January 15, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Belated Project Endeavor
So about 3 months ago I made the decision to make January the beginning of a 365 project. If you do not know what a 365 project is, where have you been hiding??? It seems to be the "thing to do" now if you have a camera, website, flickr or any reason to take and upload photographs.
As I mentioned in my previous post however, I have been having major technical difficulties. I am slowly overcoming the set back as I have now transfered all of my photographs to an external drive and now here, my very own G5 :)
So I will now embark on my own 365 Photo project!!!! I can not promise that it will be interesting, inspiring or even mildly innovative. I can only promise that it will be mine!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Technical Difficulties
There is an inherent hatred of technology when one becomes so heavily dependent upon it. My 7 year old PC crashed again over winter break; not that I was expecting anything less. I’ve gone through 3 motherboards since its creation, two video cards and countless motherboard batteries. I finally had enough when I came home, pushed the ironic “on” button to hear only the not so gentle hummmmmm of the inner fans spinning while the motherboard stayed silently still refusing to show even the dreaded Blue Screen of Doom. I purchased a 1TB external hard drive, convinced a colleague to transfer whatever photo’s and music they could salvage to later assist me in chucking the aluminum tower of life sucking frustrating into the nearest body of frigid water (it is 40 degrees today in Sunny S. Florida. The flamingos are furious!) I am not without a backup for storage and cyber access, by any means, which is perhaps the only reason why I am not a puddle of salt and drool at the moment. We recently inherited a Mac G5, primed for use. My hopes are to transfer my 47GB of photos to said machine and continue my journey through technological torture. Hopefully, then, I will keep to my promise and continue to update this here space in a timely and regular manner.
Thank you for reading and please feel free to share your thoughts, concerns, comments, and silent nods of understanding.
Next up: Photos from my Family Vacation to Destin, Florida!
Thank you for reading and please feel free to share your thoughts, concerns, comments, and silent nods of understanding.
Next up: Photos from my Family Vacation to Destin, Florida!
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