Thursday, January 28, 2010

Count Down

So, only 3 more days until my belated 365 project can commence. I am actually really looking forward to the commitment it will require. Every day as I drive home or amble around different areas of my neighborhood my eyes refocus as if I were looking through the view finder of my camera. It has been a while since I’ve taken photos for pure recreational purposes; this should be interesting.

I wonder if I should have a theme for the project or a different theme each month/week/day…. I’ll have to see how it goes. I have a lot of spots around my neighborhood with “open fields” where, as I’m driving home, the sun turns the ground a brilliant array of orange and red and inevitable black.

One set back- if it even is a set back- is that I do not have Photoshop any more. Since I’ve moved to Mac, and my laptops crashed, I have not been able to successfully install Photoshop. I’ve become so reliant on being able to adjust the hues/contrast/brightness and overall feel of a photo that perhaps this will be a good thing for me. I’ll re-learn how to light my subject or position myself in such a way to capture rather than create a mood. Who knows, I may not be able to quit cold turkey after all and resort to using the ancient program known as Paint!! ::gasp::

So, only 3 more days until my much belated 365 project. :: sigh :: Buckle up!

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