Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 5

Guess who I met yesterday....

Yup.... And I know why...

Lastnight my mom and I decided to treat ourselves to dinner out on the town rather than cooking. We went healthy and had Sushi/Thai at the local restaurant. I was good and had a small serving a crab/spinach soup, a roll with no rice just crab eal and avocado and we shared edamame. The portions were about the same that I would make myself so it wasn't so far from what I've been having. Well, the human body is too smart for its own good because it realized that I was not having what I "should" in the sense that it wasn't home-made. The human body has a memory and usually after sushi/thai we would all split a desert. When we didn't order one, the minute I got back home, the Hunger Monster made an appearance. I was craving Jello or Dark Chocolate ALL NIGHT. But I was good! I RESISTED!! I had my last 16oz of water and went to sleep at a reasonable hour! This morning, it seems as though the hunger monster has retreated to its cave!


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